Doing Whatever Interesting Adventure Comes My Way

This friend of mine, Nathan, does improv and sketch comedy. He and another comedian do a periodic show called, Magician v. Clown. At the last minute, the audience plant for their Out of Bounds Comedy Festival show cancelled. Nathan texted me. He wanted to know if I could fill in. I replied:

sign outside proclaiming: The New Movement
Out of Bounds Venue: The New Movement Theater
What do you need me to do? Tell me it's not a pie in the face.

It's worse. You are murdered on stage.

Sounds lovely. I presume I need clothes I can get dirty?

We have a shirt for you.

That sounds creepy out of context. Count me in.

Did you have a bunny as a kid?

As an adult, but that's another story. This conversation only gets weirder.

It's a weird show.

I presume bunnies are involved in some sick way.


Me: That doesn't bode well for the rabbit.

Not too long ago, if I'd been asked to go on stage for a 10:00 pm show, downtown, on the Thursday night, I'd have said "no way." 10 pm? That means I won't get home until midnight... or later. Are you crazy? That's past my bedtime. I need my sleep. I have to get up at 5:00 am so I can prepare the disabled child for school.

But life has changed dramatically.

I didn't have to think about it. I said yes.

You've heard of people who decide to say "yes" to everything. That sounds a little crazy... even dangerous. I've decided to try a different approach. I've decided to do "whatever" comes along that sounds fun, adventuresome, and produces some good in the world. In this case, helping out a friend fit all three criteria. I've dubbed this activity whatevering. This is not the bored teenage "whatever." This is the whatever from "whatever comes my way."

Whatevering is an integral part of the Year of Phoenix. Doing an improv show, in which one is murdered by a giant demon rabbit after his bed time, is something few people have on their resume... yeah, count me in.

Phoenix rising from the ashes

#yearofthephoenix #whatevering #yes #inspiration #mourning #grief #recovery #austintexas #outofboundsfestival #oobf #theater #comedy #improv #bunnydevilscreamhammer


  1. so glad you were part of this show. looking forward to more opportunities to be on stage together!


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