10 Ways You Can Support an Independent Writer

Author and artist, David Borden, standing behind a table of books: And Yet We Rise.
At the Rosedale Silent Auction 
The world of publishing has changed dramatically over the past few years. In particular, self-publishing has become a legitimate, viable alternative to the traditional publishing model. Many writers are finding their own audiences and finding success. However, I would like to dispense with the term, "self-published." I prefer "Independent Writer." I think the latter term better captures what many of us are doing. The responsibility of marketing and promoting, even in the traditional publishing world, has shifted more and more to the writer. In queries, we must outline our marketing strategy and account for how many Twitter and Facebook followers we have. We no longer need to know how to write, but know how to blog, tweet, and create compelling ad copy.

With this shift, writers, even ones with traditional publisher contracts, rely on the support of readers to spread the word about their books. But with everyone vying for attention, it becomes difficult for readers to wade through the clutter to find what they are looking for. In order for a book to reach the right audience, a lot of readers must do a few, small things. You’ve heard of viral marketing? Well, this is your chance to play a role in that effort.

Below, I've assembled a starter list of ideas that you can use to help support your favorite author... especially the independent author, such as myself, who relies on you to get the word out.

Number 1: And I mean, by far, the number 1 thing you can do:

1. Your personal endorsement of a book to a friend is the most powerful promotion you can do. There is nothing I, or any publisher can do, that comes close to the recommendation of a friend.

Here’s a list of 10 suggested ways you can support the book: 

2. Review the book on Amazon.com. Reader reviews are critical for a book’s success. The easiest way to locate the book on Amazon is by searching for the ISBN 978-1-36-625779-6. Please be honest with your assessment. People can sniff out fake reviews. Some tips for creating a review: Answer the following questions: What impact did the book have on you? What was most memorable? Who do you think it would appeal to most? How could it help other people?
3. Goodreads or similar book review group you are a member of: Put the book on your Goodreads list and recommend it to your Goodreads friends. Like my author’s page.
4. Post a picture of the book (cover or any page inside—you have my permission) on your Facebook page with a short sentence about why you think other people should read it. Include a link to my website https://scribblefire.com or https://scribblefire.com/and-yet-we-rise-graphic-novel/
5. Post a picture of the book on Twitter or Instagram or other social media platforms that you use. Include a short sentence telling your friends why they should check out the book—why it would benefit them. Something like: “This book is a breath of fresh air, the way it shows taking care of a disabled child with raw honesty. Great, uplifting read.” Instead of “My friend wrote this book.” Always include a link. Use hashtags, such as #disability, #depression, #brain injury, #family etc…
Include a short-link to the book: http://bit.ly/2nScIUY
6. Write a blog post about the book. Include images and links. Call me or email me interview questions. I'd love to help you make this as easy as possible.
7. Buy copies as gifts for people who would enjoy it. It’s really cool to be able to give the gift of a book and say, “I know the author” or “I was a financial investor in making this important book become a reality.” You see, I’ve taken care of your holiday and birthday shopping this year! If you purchase 4 or more books directly from me for this purpose, I’ll include some free drawings!
8. Chose this book for your book club. Invite me to come speak. If you live outside of Austin, I will gladly Skype in.
9. Invite me to talk to your civic, church, or social group. I’m an accomplished public speaker and teacher who gets rave reviews on feedback forms. Invite me to do a workshop on how to draw a comic (for beginners), or any other relevant topic, for that matter.  Your friends will be impressed you know an artist and writer who will come speak for free just because we’re friends.
10. Buy books to donate to your local hospital chaplain, hospice, doctor, therapist, etc. If the donation is made to a non-profit organization, you can deduct the expense on your taxes.

You can also get creative and do something I haven’t mentioned, such as connect me to someone who can get me a TV or radio spot, a celebrity endorsement, an appearance at a business or event or conference that has a new audience that would like the book, etc…

Below are links for you to cut and paste into various things. To use one of the images: (for PC users: right click on the image and chose "save image as...", save the image to you computer, then upload it to Twitter, FB, blog, etc., the way you normally upload images.)

My website:

The Book Page on my Website:

Short Link to book page (good for use on Twitter or anywhere else space is an issue)

Link to Book purchase page on my website:

Link to book page on Amazon.com

Link to Goodreads.com page:

Images you can copy and use:
Book Cover of "And Yet We Rise". Image of a Phoenix rising.
Book Cover
Drawing of author and writer David Borden from the comic book: And Yet We Rise. He is drawing the comic in the image.
David writing the comic as a character in the comic
Page 1 of the Graphic Novel
Trying to write the graphic novel with the cat.

Again, thank you very much for your support. I am so grateful to so many of you who have helped me so far.
portrait of David Borden

Back Cover Description

“This is the book I wanted fifteen years ago.”

Meditative, humorous, and raw, And Yet We Rise, dares to dive into the hidden world of parenting a medically fragile child with significant, multiple disabilities. This graphic novel explores the beauty and heartbreak with frankness and humanity.

If you live long enough, a loved one – or even you- will become disabled, but honest information is rare. This book tackles the hard questions:

How do you care for someone year after year who won’t get better?
How do you deal with the conflicting emotions of grief and relief?
Love it or hate it, you will have an opinion about this ground-breaking graphic novel.

This book calls to anyone who knows desperation, loneliness, or sorrow. It packs a powerful message: Not everything must be fixed… and, in fact, even significant disability and death are normal and natural– not to be feared or fought, but embraced as integral parts of the human experience.

The drawings are quietly stunning. They guide you through a disorienting landscape of intense complexity with their deceptively simple lines. You feel like you are getting a glimpse, not only into the artist’s private sketch book, but his life.

#writer #comics #graphicnovel #disability #caregiving #promotion #author #braininjury #selfpublishing #selfpublished #book #marketing


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