What Artist's Know about the Secret to Happiness

Image of water with sunrise, clouds reflected in the water. Texas Coast at Palacios.
Painting of the Palacios coast by David Borden
Have you ever wondered why artists will sacrifice high salary jobs to pursue their art? It’s because they have stumbled upon the secret to happiness. We all live with too much stress, which eats at our health and well being. The artist has a different way of seeing the world. We see the forest and the tress at the same time. Get a new perspective on life that you will be able to apply even in the most difficult situations.

Do you want to learn how to...

  • Put your stress behind and Relax
  • Gain new perspective on your problems
  • Get away from your routine and find peace
  • Find the solitude that you crave
  • Realize you have more potential than you thought
  • Tap into your creative side
  • Recognizing the abundance in the world around you
  • Learn how to live the lower stress life you deserve

7 Steps to Reducing Stress with Art

Research shows that creating art improves medical outcomes and reduces stress and depression levels. And what’s more important… the stress reduction effect happens regardless of your skill level. That’s right. It doesn’t matter if you’re a professional or can barely draw a circle, creating art will make you feel better. Jump start your road to less stress at an Art Retreat...

ScribbleFire Art Retreats
Several times a year, David Borden, award-winning author, artist, and educator, leads art retreats out of Austin.

painting of shrimp boat. The view from The Nest B&B in Palacios, Texas. This is the site of the art retreat by David Borden
The view from The Nest in Palacios, TX by David Borden
The retreat will be hosted at The Nest, a charming Bed & Breakfast on the water (Rooms are blocked May 18 and 19, 2018 for Art Retreat Guests… and their Plus Ones).  He is planning on starting some in the Austin. These are all-skill level. The focus is not on becoming a great artist, the focus is on learning how to incorporate the techniques and skills that artists employ into your daily life. During the retreat, you will…

  • Connect to nature
  • Learn to see in a new way
  • Meet like-minded people
  • Dedicate time to self-care
  • Learn the Secret to Happiness that artists know
  • Retreats vs. Vacations
  • Have your vacation planning done for you
  • Often, retreats are more economical (even with the instructor fee) than a regular vacation
  • Research shows that retreats have a longer-lasting positive effect on your mood than vacations
  • Artists must bring their own supplies.
  • Suggested supply list.
  • A good, broad brimmed hat.
  • A camp chair (or similar) with an umbrella
  • a simple painter’s palate
  • paints
  • a water well. (I use an old bouillon cube container with a screw-top lid)
  • a water bottle
  • sack lunch for Saturday
  • sun screen
  • brushes
  • paper towels, rags, or toilet paper for cleaning

Get on the mailing list to stay up to date on the next scheduled ScribbleFire Art Retreat with David Borden.

You can also find David at:

#artretreat #texascoast #painting #artist #reducestress #stress #happiness #relax #vacation
