Take Her Home and Love Her: book trailer
I finally did it!
I've created a book trailer for Take Her Home and Lover Her, my story about Savannah.
It was hard, but I got Neil Gaiman to write the script, James Earl Jones to do the voice over, Stanley Kubrick to direct, and Edward Gory to do the illustrations (the latter two came back from the dead as a special favor for me). If you're thinking I delegated the entire production, though, you're wrong. I jumped in where I was needed. I was the key grip and did a little gaffer work.
You can find a link to it on my website:
I am grateful for your continued support. I have been pleasantly surprised by how many of you read and enjoy my blog. Several people have stopped me to tell me how much they like it.
I owe much of my energy for pushing forward with the book trailer to you.
Thank you.
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