Groundbreaking Book about Caregiving, Disability, and Hope
New Book Tackles Difficult Questions in Accessible Format
Savannah lounging |
(unsure what a "graphic novel" is? Click here to learn more...)
(unsure what a Kickstarter campaign is? Click here to learn more...)
Why is this Book "Ground Breaking?"
I have found no other book in the market that takes a raw, honest look at long-term care-giving, though there have been a handful of comics that have examined the subject of disability or serious illness. A large portion of these books have focused on mental illness and superheroes (such as Daredevil, who is blind). View a list of "disability comics."
Sounds Like a Niche Market; Why Should You Care?
If you’ve ever lost hope, felt desperate and out of control, this book was written for you.If you live long enough, you or someone you care about will become disabled. In other words, there is a high likelihood that this story will become your story.
Disability is the largest and fastest growing demographic in America.
In addition, research shows that people who've cared for a person with significant disabilities, age at 6 times the normal rate due to the extreme stress (see my post on Chronic, Unremitting Stress). This experience can destroy people, cost jobs, and drain whole families.
All of my advanced readers report that they love the fact that the book is unrelenting in its raw portrayal of my experience, yet hopeful, beautiful, and uplifting. But most of all, they report that they felt the story was about more than just disability-- that it was a universal story about the struggle with care-giving to an ill or dying relative-- an experience we all have sooner or later.
Thank you all for your continued support
When I needed beta readers, I had more volunteers than books in a matter of hours. During the month of February, I'm going to ask you to help me spread the word about the book and the Kickstarter. Please share the links widely on various platforms: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumbr, etc... If you blog or podcast, you are welcome to use information from this blog especially the posts tagged: Life with Savannah: the other normal as part of your story. Feel free to contact me, as well. The more supporters I can reach, the higher the likelihood of reaching my goal... and knock on wood, stretch goalsWhile I'm at it, I'd like to thank the readers of this blog. I am amazed that this personal blog has had nearly 70,000 page views since starting just a few years ago.
If you want a preview, you can visit the "And Yet We Rise" page on my business website:
You can also find me on:
Twitter @dsborden
#disability #severemultipledisability #specialneeds #depression #mourning #grief #comics #graphicnovel #family #caregiving #chronicillness
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